The Film Score In Reverse Program is sequenced backstage in real time by listening to the live orchestra performance.

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The Film Score In Reverse Program is sequenced backstage in real time by listening to the live orchestra performance.

These programs are part of the "Film Score in Reverse" series produced by Video Ideas Productions to help orchestras attract new and larger audiences. The programs consist of high definition video scenes, animation and graphics. Each scene is designed to play back at a particular place in the music that matches the mood and pace of the music.

The Film Score In Reverse Program is sequenced backstage in real time by listening to the live orchestra performance.

Press on Cue

Someone back stage follows the score while listening to the orchestra's live performance. They press a button when they hear the music at the marked cues ... the projected scene or animation immediately transitions to the next scene in the sequence – timed perfectly to the live symphonic performance.. 

It's as easy as simply following the conductor score during the live performance and pressing a button at the cue points marked with thumbnails in the score. Anyone who can follow the supplied conductors score can do it.

The conductor does not have to follow a click track, time code or indications on a screen. This leaves them free to conduct the orchestra normally and all the work is done by our software and the backstage cueing.

The Film Score In Reverse Program is sequenced backstage in real time by listening to the live orchestra performance.

Live Music Timed to Footage

The result?

The audience has the experience of an incredible cinematic movie in high definition sequenced precisely to your live performance of the music – Film Score in Reverse!

It's just like going to a movie, except the music is played live by the orchestra. It will truly give your audience an experience that they will never forget.

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